Everyone has several things to say about the Kardashian Jenner family- and a lot of hate to give them. But itsn't that natural human tendency — to overlook the good qualities and complain about what we don't like or what we can't accept based on our standards of normality? Here are five good reasons why they Kardashians are, or can be role models for Gen Z.


Their views on body image

Before the Kardashian craze, everybody wanted to be skinny. Nobody liked being curvy, till Kim Kardashian started promoting and encouraging the idea. She loved her curves, and all her sisters followed suit. Kylie Jenner, the youngest of the sisters, even said in a recent interview on her app that she has gained weight and 'likes the chunkiness'. Khloe Kardashian even promotes fitness and health in her books, documentaries and snapchats. They encourage people to work for a body, and embrace their natural figure. Khloe just released her denim line 'Good American', which is a line that offers premium denim for women of all sizes.

Entrepreneurship skills

Just a few months ago, Kim Kardashian appeared on Forbes magazine as the 'Mobile Mogul', a woman who has earned several million dollars through all her different (and extremely succesful) apps: the Kimoji app, her game 'Kim Kardashian Hollywood', etc. Kylie Jenner has a cosmetics line that is extremely popular throughout the world, and gets sold out in no time. While many believe this is due to her fame, her cosmetics line is of excellent quality and used by high-end make-up artists everywhere. Yours truly is also a proud owner of her lips kits, and I use them on a day to day basis. The other sisters also have their own apps, clothing lines, etc. They encourage entrepreneurship and originality, which is important for children to understand.

Love for family

Everyone knows that the backbone of each Kardashian is her family. When Kim Kardashian had a feud with Taylor Swift, her entire family stood up for her (maybe not in the nicest way, but nevertheless). When Kris Jenner had an accident, three of her daughters ran to be at her side. They even embrace Kanye, Scott Disick and others as their own family, and treat them just the same. They may fight, but if they are attacked by an outsider they will stand for each other no matter what, and therefore they are one of the most powerful families, because nobody can divide them. Each one of them is so significant in their own way, but they are united nevertheless.Determination towards anything they want

People may say they have no talent, but they definitely know how to work hard. In one of Kim's earliest videos, she says "I'm Kim Kardashian, and I'm going to be famous". All Kim ever wanted was to be famous. Today, she's one of the most followed people on the Internet (having broken it a few times) and almost everyone knows who she is. When Kim delivered her baby, she wanted her old body back, and within a few months of dieting and working extremely hard, she had an even better one. Kendall Jenner revealed at an extremely young age that she was interested in modelling, and today she is one of the higest paid supermodels in the world. People may say it's because of her background, but it can't be that easy, she still has to work every day.

Forward thinking

The Jenner father 'Bruce' had a gender-change operation and she is now called Caitlyn, and is an advocate for transgenders everywhere. Rob Kardashian is engaged to Black Chyna, who was previously a stripper. Kylie Jenner has been in a long-term relationship with rapper Tyga, who is 26 years old while Jenner is 19. Everyone might judge the Kardashians for their choices, but they are a very forward thinking and accpeting family. Whether it is about LGBT rights or Black lives, they support and encourage every cause. Their family accepts all people, no matter their race or gender preference, which is a really important thing for everyone to know in a politically correct world.

Maybe everyone should look at them in a different light instead of judging them based on their petty fights and first world problems. Their TV show is just meant to entertain, and show us that they all suffer from similar problems as all of us. They all have their insecurities, and they are all human, but they still try to be the best they can. They motivate and inspire the younger generation to be like them, and that isn't always a bad thing.