The health and lifestyle concerns have been raised by many as the coronavirus pandemic and the lockdown restrictions keep people restricted to their homes. Long hours of sitting and lack of physical activity is turning out to be a major health issue, which can lead to long-term problems. When gyms are still closed in most regions, workout at home is turning out to be a recourse for many.


All it takes is some 15 minutes out of the day's schedule to work out and do some indoor exercises for effective results.

Here's a 15-minute, no-equipment, indoor, whole-body exercise routine for good health results:

Pushups (10 reps 2 sets)

Pushups are master exercises that can be effective for upper body strength. Based on body weight, pushups can help build a strong chest as well as back, arms, shoulders, and abs.

How to do Pushups: Getting in a pushup position is easy. All it requires is to lie down on the stomach, with hands aligned straight along the chest. Lift up. Keep lower back tight and flat, and do not let the hips sag. Keep elbows near the chest and descend. Repeat.

Mountain climbing ( 2-3 Minutes)

This exercise is simple but can help burn a lot of calories. It helps boost metabolism and can help in breaking down tummy fat. This great cardio exercise will take only a few minutes. 

How to do mountain climbing: Get back into the pushup position. Keep the core tight and bring the right knee to the chest followed by the left knee. Do not let the hips sag or rise. Repeat.

Hip Bridge (10 reps 2 sets)

Everyone wants strong legs and a strong backside too. The hip bridge is a simple way of strengthening glutes and it helps release lower back tension too. 

How to do a hip bridge: Lie down on your back, with feet planted on the floor and knees bent. With the help of the heels, squeeze the glutes, and push the hips upward. Repeat.

Squats, Lateral Split Squats (10 reps 2 sets, each side)

Squats are purely to build leg muscles and give strength to the legs. They help legs gets in a perfect shape and makes them stronger. Split squats can also be done alternatively.

How to do squats: First, stand straight on the legs and keep them at shoulder level. Sit back, putting weight onto the hips, while bending the knees. Repeat.

Plank ( 2-3 minutes)

The plank works magically on the lower belly and gives upper-body strength. It is one of the superpower exercises to burn calories and extra tummy fat. A plank starts from a basic level and goes up to pro-level. It caters to everyone's needs. 

How to do a plank: Try out a plank with knees facing the floor and elbows bent. Rest the forearms flat on the ground. To work on different areas of the core, there is a side plank. For the side plank, lie on one side, placing one foot on top of the other. Use one arm to support the body and push it off the floor.