Books provide dollops of knowledge, inspiration, life lessons and help us discover a better way of living life filled with happiness. Here is the checklist of books for anyone who seeks a better way of living.


Five people you meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

Eddie, an 83-year-old war veteran dies trying to save a little girl. He believes he has led an uninteresting life, which has not impacted many people, but when he goes to heaven he meets five people whose lives he unknowingly impacted. They each teach him a lesson about love, sacrifice, forgiveness, interconnectedness of the universe and also the importance of making the most of the opportunities in life.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach

It is hard to believe that a 112-page pocket book about a seagull could inspire people all over the world, but that is exactly what the book has managed to do. Richard Bach through the story of Jonathan, the seagull, tells us to push our limits, challenge ourselves to go after our dreams and also highlights the role of a teacher for our spiritual growth and happiness.

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

The past is what haunts most people and forces people to live a less than satisfactory life but living in hope that happiness awaits at the next stop; Eckhart Tolle provides the solution of being consciously present in the moment. Focusing on the present, accepting whatever life throws at you without resistance and being intensely conscious of the thoughts running inside you are the lessons the book imparts.

The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

This seemingly fast paced thriller adventure of a middle-aged man in search of ancient manuscripts in Peru offers amazing pearls of wisdom about life. The nine insights from the manuscripts range from the importance of coincidences, consciousness levels, relationship between mind and energy, interpersonal relationships to tracking what the future holds for us.

The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra

This book over the years has gained a cult status for drawing parallels between Eastern religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism etc. and modern physics (specifically quantum physics). The book brings out the mystical implications about sub atomic physics. "Physicists do not need mysticism, and mystics do not need physics, but humanity needs both." Says Dr Capra, which sums up why we need this book in our lives.

Many lives, Many Masters by Dr Brian Weiss

Dr Brian Weiss, a skeptic psychiatrist is stumped when Catherine his patient recalls past life traumas. Based on a true story, the book talks about the events that Catherine sees from her past lives under hypnosis, which changes her life and that of her psychiatrist. One need not believe in past lives or reincarnation, but one just can't miss the insights the book has to offer.

Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch

A distraught Neale sick of his life wrote a letter to God asking a number of questions, his pen is believed to have moved on its own answering all his questions. This conversation of questions and answers forms the 'Conversations with God' series. The books answer questions about God, religion, purpose of life, role of free will and our role in life.

Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhamsa Yogananda

One of the most widely read and influential autobiography is that of Mukunda Ghosh who then came to be known as Paramhamsa Yogananada. Starting with his childhood, meeting great mystics and saints, his intelligence, wit and brilliance shines through his stories. From Steve Jobs to Beatles' George Harrison, the book has fans all over the world.

Who am I? by Ramana Maharishi

The quintessential quest of spirituality, the highest of philosophies, that of self-realisation is addressed in this book. This book is not for the faint hearted and needs contemplation about oneself. It is a treat for people who love philosophy and spirituality.

Vedanta: Voice of Freedom by Swami Vivekananda

One of the most influential leaders of India, Swami Vivekananda took India to the world stage. He is distinguished as a spiritual leader who made spirituality practical to the common man. His message about taking action and arising from the slumber stands the test of time. This book is a collection of Vivekananda's messages about family, education, knowledge and success making it relevant even today.