Home remedies: How to make your acne disappear overnight

DNA Web Team | Updated: Sep 25, 2022, 04:51 PM IST

Here are a few overnight home remedies to get rid of unwanted acne appearances.

For some people, acne can be extremely stubborn bumps on their skin. No matter how hard you try to prevent it, somehow, it keeps coming back and leaves those scars on the face. Especially before an important day, an annoying little pimple always seems to pop up.


Here are a few overnight remedies to get rid of unwanted acne appearances. As we all know, dirt and bacteria suffocating your pores leads to acne outbursts.

For everyone that has dry skin and is troubled by acne, honey is widely regarded as a hydrating ingredient, which is perfect for all my dry skin beauties out there, but it's benefits don't stop there! Honey has antibacterial properties that target your pimples deeply and help you fight them off! Simply apply a dab of honey over your acne spot and let it sit for a few hours. Let this golden remedy work its magic and fight off the pimple-causing bacteria

The calming and soothing effects of green tea aren't just for your mind and body. The anti-inflammatory properties of green tea also help heal stubborn acne. Cool your soaked tea bag in the fridge and when you're done, place it on top of the inflamed nemesis for a few hours or overnight. 

The starch present in potatoes helps reduce redness and swelling and it is also full of Vitamin C. This prevents any dark spots from forming after the pimple has subsided. Cut a thin slice of the potato and tape it to your face with a band-aid or medical tape. If you are scared to try this overnight you can also leave it on for 3-4 hours. You'll notice that this sliver of potato has managed to reduce the redness and calm an angry pimple at the same time.

An antibacterial Ingredient like Tea Tree oil can easily come to your rescue here. However, it can be harsh if used on its own. Try making these magical anti-acne ice cubes using tea tree oil at home Mix ½ a cup of water with 3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel and 8 to 10 drops of tea tree oil. Pour this into an ice tray and let it freeze. Aloe Vera offers a calming effect that perfectly complements the strong and antibacterial Tea Tree Oil. Using this in the form of an ice cube offers cooling and soothing benefits that complete the anti-acne formula. Let the solution work its magic overnight to wake up to calm skin the next day. 

Applying aloe vera to the face can help the production and release of collagen, protect the skin, and treat infections.