From Priyanka Chopra-Nick Jonas to Prince Harry-Meghan Markle, these couples beat interracial prejudices in society

Melissa D’Costa D’Silva | Updated: Oct 22, 2018, 06:20 AM IST

These interracial couples prove that the only thing that really matters in relationships is how deeply you feel for each other

Love is two hearts beating as one. And as poetic as that sounds, it’s also supposed to echo the very bond that binds two people in a relationship. While we grapple with the politics of hate, and focus on all that distinguishes one from another, these much in love couples have chosen to lead the way, finding and believing in a love that transcends race and geographical boundaries. Read on to find out more about these couples.


She is Indian, he is American, but that did not stop our desi girl from winning his heart over. Apart from living out of suitcases and travelling different time zones, this duo has had to face a lot of negativity due to their 11-year age difference. However, rather than letting that get to them, they shrugged it all off even brushing the racial difference as it simply does not matter to the couple who has proved that when it comes to love, social constructs fold up and simply disappear as long as you are willing to stand up to them.

The Duchess of Sussex has had to face her share of racial attacks but this royal couple did not allow the negativity to affect them. In an interview with BBC, Meghan even addressed all the hate coming her way. “It’s disheartening,” Markle said. “You know it’s a shame that is the climate in this world to focus that much on that or that would be discriminatory in that sense, but I think… at the end of the day I’m really just proud of who I am and where I come from, and we have never put any focus on that. We’ve just focused on who we are as a couple.” Harry too responded to the racists in a statement condemning their hateful behaviour. “Some of this has been very public — the smear on the front page of a national newspaper; the racial undertones of comment pieces; and the outright sexism and racism of social media trolls and web article comments,” Harry said.

In an interview with The New York Times, Williams, who is Black, opened up about being in an interracial relationship with Ohanian, who is white. She said, “I never thought I would have married a white guy, either, so it just goes to show you that love truly has no colour, and it just really goes to show me the importance of what love is”. Talking about what makes them one, she added, “I’m an athlete. He’s a business guy. I’m black. He’s white. We are totally opposite. I think we just complement each other. I think we understand hard work in different ways,” Williams said. “Literally all I tell Alexis is, ‘Well, you know, there’s such a difference between white people and black people.’ He always gets to hear about the injustices that happen; that wouldn’t happen if I were white. It’s interesting.”

Chrissy and John are like two peas in a pod. He is black and she is half-Thai and half-white. And despite these racial differences, this famous couple has managed to find that spark that makes them one. In fact, talking about race. Legend once said, “So, it’ll be interesting just to give out even the idea of what race means — because it is a social construct that isn’t really based on biology— or even thinking about how they’ll identify themselves and what that’ll mean.” Teigen too has spoken about it in an interview, in which she worried that her daughter, Luna, and son, Miles, won’t know where they fit in because of their multiple racial identities. “I worry sometimes that Luna is going to be so much in the middle that she’s not going to know, but I think by the time she grows up, it’s such a melting pot, this whole world now,” Teigen said.