Shagufta Anurag, managing director of Space Matrix, one of Asia’s largest interior designing firms, talks about her journey to victory.


Having studied architecture, what inspired you to move to interior designing?I have always been interested in design. Architecture and interiors go hand in hand. As a mater of fact, I initially started out with the aspirations of being a fashion designer, but my father suggested that I hone my skills in a related yet different area of design. After graduation, I found myself working with several interior design firms and eventually was heading one of them. So the transition to start my own firm was natural. Once I moved to Singapore, I started Space Matrix with a team of three people. It’s been a long and fruitful journey since then and now we are a 400 strong team with presence in four countries and are now looking to grow in China and Vietnam this year.  You established the firm during the economic crisis in 2001? What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?Yes, 2001 was a challenging year. A lot of people were sceptical about yet another interior design firm entering the market, but since the economy wasn’t doing too well, clients were on the look out for consultants who could provide intelligent, creative yet cost effective approach to design. Being new in the industry helped us to give a fresh and new perspective. In fact, the only challenges we initially faced was lack of funds to work with, in terms of the initial seed money, but once we won our first award with Hyperion, it made it easier to instill confidence in clients. What kind of projects do you take up in India and how are they different from other countries you cater to?Space Matrix is now moving into a new era in terms of our company’s history. We are looking at projects where we bring value to clients as consultants in terms of, the user experience. It starts with visualising the space and integrating technology, to making the right decision for the end user. We are now catering to larger multinational firms and their needs. India is not far behind the global market and our clients want us to deliver the same quality, as that in any other global city. Projects in India are more cost sensitive as compared to some other countries even though the economy is doing well. Being a mother of two how do you balance your life?At times, it is difficult to choose between a sick child and a million dollar project pitch, but my children always come first. Since I have an exceptional support team both at home and at work, I have managed to juggle both and tried to provide them with the best.  It is all about priorities. One has to decide what is important at a certain stage in life. I have learnt to strictly balance work and home life through discipline. This is always an ongoing process. What is your advice to working mothers?That’s a tough one! Here’s something to put things in perspective — “If you bungle raising your children, I don’t think whatever else you do well matters very much.” Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was the one to come up with that one! A mother’s work is never done so don’t be too hard on yourself if you do slip up sometimes! It is one of the toughest jobs as well as the most rewarding.