Shame ting ting... shame ting ting... Remember that episode of Game Of Thrones last season, where Cersei Lannister did the naked walk of shame and the giant kept ringing the bell behind her saying “shame” to remind her of her guilt and sin. Yes, that’s mostly, how we are made to feel about having sex, strange right, but you and I both know sadly, sex has a bit of guilt and shame and scandal value attached to it even today. Click a picture of me eating a burger and it’s cool, click a pic of me even kissing someone, forget anything majorly sexual and boom — it’s a scandal. But I keep wondering why does sex or anything related to it, have so much charge to it! Why is sex made out to be such a hectic shameful act, so over-hyped, so overrated? Why should we feel ashamed of having sex, why can’t we speak freely about sex? There are so many “whys” in this topic that my column will be just a list of questions, but seriously, why is sex still such a taboo in our society? We seemed to have progressed quite a bit in most other aspects, but still why is that little shame and stigma attached to sex?


Sex is sex, we all know what it is, how it’s done and if done well with the partner, it can be amazing, but then the society decides what that partner would be like and so many other guidelines and if they aren’t met — bamm shame and guilt in the name of society, decency, manners, legality, morality and even God sometimes, but the reality is we created all these reasons for shaming sex and making it look bad because somewhere in our heads, it’s still not a normal thing to do. We are okay to sleep and eat —that’s normal, but when it comes to sex, we cringe, we hide. Rarely do we actually even talk of it openly as something that’s normal something we enjoy. Like eating a pizza — we can talk about it but not sex and even if we do, it’s more like a guilty pleasure kind of a way in hushed tones, as it’s considered indecent or incorrect to speak of it openly... but why? I guess, sex needs to be put out there as something happy, nice and normal. I’m not saying have sex on your front balcony (no judgment, if you’re into doing it in public kind stuff, good for you), but I’m talking about bringing sex out in the open as a healthy discussion, at least, without any taboo. If we can do that only then it’ll become normal and not shameful and dark, and who knows maybe eventually, it might even make the society less sex-starved and sexual violence-free.

If it isn’t shameful, you can’t use it to shame someone so it loses its scandal value and that’ll be a good thing right? No, tring tring... shame or guilt of sex.. yeah...