Some people have their way with words just like sentences have their meaning. Sometime, a written or spoken word affects people more than a picture can express. But what if there is no exchange of words? 


Silence may be a powerful weapon, but it can also be a curse. I’ve learned that silence is not that golden after all. We never know what’s going on in a person’s mind, no matter what they tell us or how close you are to them.

There is always that missing puzzle piece that lies hidden in one corner of the mind. Silence is sneaky in that case.

Being a teen is a difficult phase. You go through so much such as bullying, peer pressure, dislike, body shaming, and failure. Emotions are a big part of our world. People say things which may hit us hard more than they know, it may even cause us to do something we regret or even hurt our loved ones. It may cause one to become temperamental or withdraw into a shell. A teen’s silence should not be ignored. It is an alarm which screams help from the walls of depression.

Depression starts with silence from being hurt, that could be triggered by a personal experience. Many of us are going through it right now; it hurts, but we should open up to somebody close. That one person can change your life. When a door closes, don’t wait for life to open one. Instead, walk with your head held high and open a window for yourself. It’ll help you breathe.

I’ve not been in the brightest of situations, and at times it got worse, but I got through it because I had someone to talk to along the way. Today, those things don’t seem so bad because I managed to overcome them with help from loved ones. I know that whatever it is, tomorrow is another day.

That is why it was heartbreaking to read about the recent suicide of youth who live-streamed his own suicide on Facebook. Imagine how devastating it must have been for the person’s family and friends. Suicide is never the answer to anything. Death is the only decision you don’t have to make. It will come at its appointed hour. Till then, be a good influence on people and make a difference.

We are here for a reason, right? Bringing light into someone’s life is the best thing ever than having them stay silent and alone. There are a few people who maybe don’t talk, but there is always a solution for that. You talk to them. Listen to them and be there when for them. Don’t let their silence turn into your regret. Reach out to a friend, today.The writer is a IGCSE Year II student at CP Goenka International School, Mumbai. She is an animal-loving, music-obsessed bookworm