I have a small dog that likes to sneak-attack strangers that walk past our house. She tends to bite strangers near the ankle?This can get you into a lot of trouble and certainly a biting dog is a liability. She is biting to protect her property and has probably received positive reinforcement of her actions by strangers moving away quickly and by you picking her up and giving her a lot of attention. You have to get a trainer and work with them on this. And you will have to make sure that when she is out, she is on a leash and cannot get at strangers. My dog sticks both his paws in his water dish and plays with the water. Is this normal?Dogs like playing with water. Many do this as puppies and then grow out of it. They think its fun. If you are okay with it, let it be. Otherwise, you have to say ‘no’ and then praise him when he stops. If this doesn’t work, you can either get a much smaller bowl or raise the water bowl off the floor to just below chin height.  Refresh your dog’s water bowl several times a day because maybe he just wants fresh water and doesn’t want to drink old water. My small dog urinates on me or on some of my friends. What should I do to make him stop?This could be a sign of dominance. She is claiming you. You need to establish yourself as top dog. Rub his nose in it and teach him that it’s not alright. But it may be that the dog has a urinary infection and cannot help himself. Have his urine tested. It could also be submissive urinating — the result of being too anxious. You need to make him more confident. It could be because he is left alone a lot and gets very excited when you or your friends are around. In which case, you need to spend more time with him, and walk him daily. My dog grins when he sees me. Is this an actual smile?It’s a sign of submission and when accompanied by ears pulled back it means he is feeling friendly.My dog was injured in a fight. I didn't have time to take him to a vet, but now a foul smell is coming from the bite area. What should I do?Foul smell means a severe infection. Your dog is in great pain because you don't have time to save him. Take him to a vet immediately and pray it is not too late.


Maneka Gandhi responds to queries raised by animal lovers across the city.