Question: How do you house train a cat? 


Answer: Make a low, large and fairly deep plastic box with a newspaper or plastic bag lining and two inches of sand in it or buy a litter box from a pet shop. Put one in the bathroom or any room where you think appropriate but it must always be in the same place. Clean the litter box several times a day. A cat's sense of smell is more sensitive than our own. If the box is dirty he will simply walk to another place rather than walk around in his own waste.

The sides are high so there's nothing to clean up if they pee standing up. If the cat won't jump in you can cut a side open for her to get in. Edge the cuts with some folded over duct tape if they are a little ragged after cutting.. Rinse the litter box thoroughly with water. Adding a little vinegar or lemon juice to the water will help neutralize the odour of the cat's urine. Do not use ammonia.

Cats do not like to soil the areas close to their sleeping or eating areas, so place the litter box some distance away. Do not place the litter box in an area that is inaccessible. If it is in the bathroom, make sure the door is open to let the cat get to it. If the cat is new, she may go into hiding for a few days so place a litter box close to her hiding place.

If there is more than one cat in the house, have several litter boxes available. In order to reward your cat for eliminating in her litter box, you must be there when she eliminates. Most cats, especially kittens, will eliminate shortly after waking; after eating; and after exercise.

To help predict when your cat will eliminate, feed her at regular times. Before that, spend ten to fifteen minutes playing with her. Then put down the food, allow her fifteen minutes to eat . Clear up leftovers. Then another gentle play session. Call her to her litter box. When your cat gets to the box, scratch the litter to get her interested. Similarly, throughout the day, whenever your cat has been asleep for over two hours, wake her and call her to the litter box. Encourage your cat to hop into the litter box, praise her when she does so. Even if she does not eliminate, she is learning that the litter box is a great, clean place to be. This is especially important for cats that are now avoiding the litter box because they assume it is always dirty or because they associate it with being punished. If your cat does eliminate, praise her in a gentle voice.

Once she has finished, gently stroke her, give her a treat and tell her how pleased you are.