Here comes the summer and the sweltering atmosphere it brings. In the midst of this, we hear a familiar voice under the window — one that we hear every summer. It was this very voice that we used to look forward to — the kacchi kairi walla.


Sprinkled with red chilli, we would crave these slices of the yellow-green raw mango that would tickle and tantalise our taste buds.

Raw mangoes are extremely appealing to your taste as well as your health. To begin with, it is a myth that it mangoes are fattening. About 44 kcal per 100 gm, they are rich in natural sugar — glucose which is the fuel for our energy, releasing it steadily for a longer time.

These mangoes are also rich in beta carotene and vitamin A that protect the eyes, especially from macular degeneration. They are a good source of Vitamins B1 and B2, which people are usually deficit in.

Its deep green colour and zangy taste are an indicator of its high Vitamin C content and high antioxidant properties, therefore having antivirus and anti cancer properties and also boost immunity, preventing that ungainly summer’s cold’s sniffle. These antioxidants also help larger problems. They prevent premature aging as well as cholera, anemia and tuberculosis.

For regular problems, raw mangoes are a good source of fiber, preventing constipation. They are rich in calcium as well as iron. In addition, the niacin content of mangoes aids lowering cholesterol. Raw mangoes help cure acidity, since they are an alkaline food. In addition, a high potassium and magnesium content helps those with acidosis, muscle cramps, stress and heart problems.

For those who are physically active, whether working out or constantly on the go, mangoes are also a great way to replenish that lost potassium. Raw kairi is the perfect fruit to replenish energy after heavy physical exercise like jogging or working out.

You can make an aachar (pickle) or simply sprinkle the fruit over your bhel or salads. Have a glass of chilled aam panha to cool you down on a hot summer’s afternoon. Otherwise, simply call out to the local kacchi kairi walla, the one you have seen since you were a kid and snack on!