Last Tuesday, on the birthday of Sardar Patel, I spent time reading and reflecting on this statesman. Not only does the epithet of Iron Man describes him aptly, but he is also credited for the foundation for the great edifice of our nation besides establishing the steel frame of civil servants. There can be no disagreement that Sardar Patel played a pivotal role along with Gandhi and Nehru in securing Independence. Yet, his life story and journey is less known across the world including India.Named after Vallabhacharya, the young 'ploughboy' was immersed in crops, birds and beasts. Following his father, Jhaverbhai, to the field, perhaps instilled the life-long love for walking, in him. He is then believed to have had better knowledge of neighbouring fields and villages than his books. Even on becoming a barrister, he would take pride in his ancestral profession of a farmer. Later in life, when an American journalist asked him about his cultural activities, Vallabhbhai, reportedly said, "Ask me another! My culture is agriculture."A schoolteacher of his would gruffly respond to questions from students with 'can't you learn for yourself?" A true follower, abiding by this too, young Vallabh developed the habit of reading extensively and figuring things out for himself. He could be an implicit follower, just as he could lead a stubborn fight for justice, even against his teacher. The distinct traits of his character were followership, leadership and stubbornness.Years later, as a successful barrister in Ahmedabad, he chose to attend a public meeting of Gandhi, just out of plain 'curiosity'. The quiet voice of Gandhi expressed the limitless power of soul-force,"This could be acquired by following the path of Truth. No power on earth can match it, which is the same as Divine Love." These words did not let him sleep and the reluctant recruit was converted overnight into a willing soldier to serve his motherland.Vallabhbhai was razor sharp in his words and yet ever discreet and composed. He was a patient and careful listener, but became a rock once he made up his mind. His mettle shone in one event after another, as he braved floods, led the peasants' movement and Satyagraha and established the Indian Administrative Service. He was a great follower, who was steadfast in his loyalty to Mahatma Gandhi. Even when he had differences, Sardar Patel chose to be a followe in the team led by Gandhi. His humour-laced banter and repartees to Gandhi in the prison make us see another aspect of the reticent statesman of stoic silence. His mother-like affection for Gandhi showed the gentle side of the tough man.His greatest contribution was the steel frame, with the help of which he devised and executed the successful unification of the over 550 States of the country. The credit for the persistent follow up and success of this mission goes to the team and its leader. This leader offered full protection to his team, trusted them and appreciated their work. The iron-hold and grip that he wielded on the administration, provinces and political apparatus of the country was something unique to him.Reading about his life and work gives us two very valuable lessons- that of followership and leadership. I am yet to come across schools or training programs on followership. Yet, the powerful and poignant life of Sardar Patel gives us great insights into the steadfast followership along with liberated leadership that can realise great goals. Drawing inspiration on his 142nd birthday, may we become great followers with absolute discipline to scale greater heights of leadership and excellence.