April Fool’s Day is celebrated on April 1 in many countries. This day provides an opportunity for people to play practical jokes on each other. It is considered a bad omen to attempt to trick someone in the after-noon on this day.


Astrologically, persons born on April 1 are believed to be ambitious, authoritative, attractive and endowed with energy. They are fortunate in every sphere except gambling. So, they are suggested to avoid speculation and stock market. If a man gets married on April 1, his wife will dominate him. It is also believed to be a bad omen if you become annoyed when someone plays a practical joke on you.

If a young lady plays a practical joke on an eligible man on April Fool’s Day, it is a sign that they can fall in love. Couples in love cracking joke on this day signifies that their marriage is just on the cards.

This day brings out weirdness in people. Many people act like fools. But to dream of a fool can signify that you are experiencing a transformational time in your life as the fool is associated with the unconscious. To dream of a fool can also symbolise over-joy or it may be indicate a rare occurrence. If so, perhaps it’s a time to put on your party shoes and dance the next day. A fool is a symbol of dependence, change and growth.

Dreaming about a mental hospital is a warning that you need to wait in order to succeed, otherwise  all your efforts will fail. Dreaming about a fool on the roof means that your personal affairs are going well. In case a girl dreams that she has become mad, it implies that riches and splendour shall sweep her off feet.


  • A mad man is following you, it signifies you will be endangered by vicious foes.  
  • You dare to follow a fool; is a sign that you shall defeat the enemies.  
  • You have become mad is an indication that you may encounter unknown people who shall be of help later on.  
  • You find yourself in a group of fools indicate your acquaintances will be under the shadow of gloom for a considerable time.  
  • You have become mad, it represents that your emotions are not controllable.  
  • You are arguing with a fool signifies that a fruitless journey is on the cards.  
  • A mental child is loving you, signifies that you will enjoy a sudden comfort.


Give some clothes in an orphanage or to some needy people.

Q: When will I get married? Will it be a love-marriage or an arranged one? I’m born on August 22, 1994 at 6 am.Kavita Manjarkar

Venus square Mars indicates some initial frustration in groom hunting. A careful matching of dosha in both charts is important. The event is likely at the age 26-28. Offer milk to Shivlingam on Fridays. Wear Pukhraj of six carats on your index finger after Pran Pratishtha.

(The columnist is author of 32 books on Astrology, Numerology, Vaastu, Mantrism, Dreams and Moles. He features regularly on various TV channels. You can email your queries at: pkhurrana@astroindia.com)

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the column are those of the author and are not in any way endorsed by the newspaper.