Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a commonly unrecognised disease and seen in nearly 1% of the middle-aged population. It remains undiagnosed and untreated because It does not cause any immediate harm or significant discomfort to the individual. Doctors also do not recognize this disease because these patients do not come with complaints typical of this disease. Awareness of OSA is necessary as its long-term consequences may be serious.


“Major symptoms of OSA are loud snoring, day time sleepiness, un-refreshing night time sleep, decreased concentration, hampered decision making, depression, decreased sexual desire etc. OSA is more common in individuals having obesity, hypothyroidism &diabetes. It is also more common among smokers,” Dr. Amit Gupta, Interventional Cardiologist of Shalby Hospital said.

“Patients of OSA inherently have a depressed tone of throat and airway tract muscles. During sleep, the tone of muscles further decreases and muscles of airway tract become flaccid. The complete collapse of airway tract muscles leads to occlusion of an airway. Obstruction of airway tract generates snoring and breathing depression or halt. This awakens the patient transiently and muscle tone increases and breathing becomes normal,” said Dr Gupta.

This cycle is repeated throughout himself is not aware of it. Repeated arousals lead to insufficient sleep and excessive stimulation of body’s sympathetic system. Sympathetic system stimulation exerts its harmful effects in form of uncontrolled high blood pressure, poorly controlled diabetes, increased the chance of having a heart attack or brain stroke. OSA is commonly present in the community and much more commonly ignored.


  • Treatment of OSA is primarily based on strict lifestyle modifications, regular 30-40 minutes brisk walking, weight loss, healthy diet, cessation of smoking, blood pressure and diabetes control.  
  • Some patient may require surgical correction of airway tract if other treatment fails. CPAP therapy and mandibular sling are reserved for severe cases of OSA.