Doctors at a city hospital operated on an elderly lady who suffered from a brain stroke in a unique case of near-complete recovery without any disability and post-stroke effects.


The patient, 56-year-old Kamla Arya, was reportedly brought to the hospital by her relatives. After the CT scan, a team of neurology experts delivered intravenous thrombolytics to dissolve any clot in the blood. But, as per doctors, that was only partially effective as her left arms were still weak.

“When she was brought to the emergency ward of the hospital, her speech was slurring and she complained of weakness in the left side of her upper limb,” Dr Neetu Ramrakhiyani, additional director, neurology at Fortis Hospital said. “This is when we decided to opt for thrombectomy, an endovascular procedure, where wires are passed through the blood vessel to check for clots and a stent is placed to take them out, if any. 

This is a tricky procedure as we have to exercise certain precautions regarding the health of the patient, especially the fact that the patient’s blood pressure should not be very low. Since wires and stents pass through the vessel, we must be extra careful so they do not cause any damage to the vessels,” added the doctor.

Stroke is a medical emergency during which the supply of oxygen to brain ceases, causing brain cells to die. Top five risk factors of stroke for patients in India include, high blood pressure, low fruit intake, household air pollution, low vegetable intake, and high sodium intake. Behavioural factors such as smoking, poor diet and lack of physical activity contribute to most of the cases, followed by metabolic disorders like cholesterol, high-blood pressure and obesity.

As per doctors, a stroke is one of the most severe health conditions that may turn fatal due to loss of precious time. “Time is the most important factor in cases of stroke. However, the awareness around identifying symptoms of stroke and responding to them in a timely manner is quite low, as a result of which treatments in most of the cases have limited impact,” said Dr Neetu Ramrakhiyani.