A major fire broke out on Tuesday afternoon at Mysore Mahal marriage garden located on Sirsi road resulting in panic in the immediate area.


The fire took gargantuan shape due to the presence of sheets, cloth and other tenting material. As a result a column of smoke rose hundred feet up in the air and could be seen from miles around as the sky was engulfed by it.

The fire broke out around 1.30 PM at the marriage garden that had become a hot property in Jaipur for organising marriage or religious functions. “Locals saw smoke billowing out from one part of the structure at the garden. The caretakers on the spot rushed in to hold the fire however due to the presence of wood and other inflammable material, the fire quickly spread across the garden,” officials said.

The local police and fire department were informed. “One after the other fire tenders were rushed to the spot. By the time the fire fighters reached the spot, fire had spread and engulfed the dome constructed at the venue. Since the main door was covered by the outbreak, the supporting wall had to be broken by the fire fighters to gain access. It was only after nearly two hours of fire fight and multiple rounds of fire tenders to the filling station that the fire could be doused completely,” officials said. “It is suspected that a short circuit caused the incident. However nothing can be said for certain as of now and investigation will reveal the exact cause,” officials said.

Awarded ‘Best’ sans fire NOC

Mysore Mahal was awarded the Best Marriage Garden of city on February 4 by JMC.Under Swachh Survekshan- 2018, the civic body gave rankings to different establishments. In the category of marriage gardens, Mysore Mahal was awarded the Best Marriage Garden. Surprisingly, JMC did not investigate the Fire NOC of the marriage garden while giving the award.

According to authorities, Mysore Mahal marriage garden did not have Fire NOC.While the city has more than 500 marriage gardens, JMC has issued Fire NOC to only one of these 500 marriage gardens. After the Rose Garden and Vidyadhar Nagar fire accident, mayor Ashok Lahoti constituted a committee under the chairmanship of Additional Commissioner Har Sahay Meena.The Committe had to submit its report in a weeks time, however the investigation has not been completed in the past one and a half month.