Monday brought with it a change of guard for the men in Khaki as Director General of Police Manoj Bhatt hung his boots giving way to a his junior to take the place as head of the state police force.


On the last day of service, Bhatt was given the ceremonial honour, that is accorded to the retired DGP as early in the morning Bhatt was taken to the Rajasthan Police Academy.

Around 8.30 AM, Bhatt reached the RPA at the head of a motorcycle scout of four along with the risala scout with their pedigreed horses and well knit uniforms.

At the RPA, Bhatt was welcomed by senior officials of the state police following which Bhatt proceeded to take the final salute in official capacity from various battalions of state police. Addressing the gathering after the march past and formal function Bhatt said, “Throughout my 36 years of service, I received immense support from everyone in the force. The state police has had a glorious history and i am sure the coming generation of officials will strive to achieve more.”

Bhatt spoke to DNA and observed about his retirement and Ajit Singh being made the new DGP, “It has been a great time and I am relieved that a fellow police officer with best credentials for this post is taking over. He has been a friend since school days and what better could it be that he is taking over,” adding further, “I will now devote time to family. A visit to my hometown of Udaipur is also due for past sometime. It will take sometime to get used to the new life post retirement.”