Epigenetics, the long time proposed and rejected theory that claims that ‘it’s you who is responsible for what’s happening to you’, has now again gained momentum and platform. 


According to health experts, as our evolution was need based and circumstantial, that means the environment around us influenced our organs and systems. So for physical ailments and heart problems genes contribute minimally to our chances of predisposition to disease while for modifiable risk factors like smoking, excessive alcohol, obesity, cholesterol, sedentary lifestyle and stress are our choice.

“The environment around us which we live in by our own choice is more powerful than our genes, because we as humans still share more than 95 per cent of our genes with monkeys, our ancestors,” said senior cardiologist Dr Ruchi Gupta. “Our evolution was need based and circumstantial. Meaning thereby that the environment around us influenced our organs and systems. As for physical ailments and heart problems which are non modifiable risk factors like age, sex, race, genes contribute minimally to our chances of predisposition to disease. While modifiable risk factors, which we give birth to like smoking, excessive alcohol, obesity, cholesterol, sedentary lifestyle, stress and above all accepting everything as fate or predestined is our choice,” she added.

It is worth mentioning that famous American biologist Bruce Lipton promotes the idea that the gene expression can be influenced by environmental factors, making people having a greater impact on their health.

“Many researches show that the proteins in our organs get modified by our thoughts, our actions and our reactions towards our surroundings. The same happens with the unexplained increased in cholesterol deposition in arteries, acute myocardial infarctions in seemingly fit and healthy people,” said Dr Gupta.

Experts are of the view that, it is not the genes only. Similarly, it is not the brain. It is how mind perceives and whilst acting and reacting how mind behaves. So, it is time that we realise that environment is important, its energy, anti-matter, vibrations which we receive is important.

Important Role

It is worth mentioning here that famous American biologist Bruce Lipton promotes the idea that the gene expression can be influenced by environmental factors, making people having a greater impact on their health.