In metropolitan cities, Jaipur is worse than Bhopal, Lucknow and Chandigarh when it comes to clean transportation, a recent study by Delhi based Center for Science and Environment (CSE) reveals. CSE has released rankings of 14 major Indian cities on clean transportation in which these cities were assessed to understand the way people travel how it contributes to air pollution and energy consumption. 


The analysis titled ‘The Urban Commute’ ranks the 14 cities on basis of emissions of heat-trapping carbon dioxide and toxic pollutants like particulate matter and nitrogen oxides, as well as energy-guzzling from urban commuting.

The 14 cities studied include Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru and Hyderabad (henceforth called mega-cities); and Ahmedabad, Pune, Jaipur, Lucknow, Kochi, Bhopal, Vijayawada and Chandigarh (grouped as metropolitan cities).

According to the rankings, Jaipur is at number six on the list of overall emissions and energy use from urban commute while Bhopal tops the list. Though metropolitan cities have scored better than mega-cities due to lower population, lower travel volume and vehicle numbers, but, as per experts, they are at risk due to much higher share of personal vehicle trips and high growth rate.

Report shows that Delhi, despite being the third highest for a high share of public transport trips, tanks to the bottom as overall emissions and fuel use are highest due to the sheer number of people, high volume of travel and personal vehicles, and long trip distances. Kolkata and Mumbai emit least among six megacities due to high usage of public transport and walking. Kolkata also has short travel distances due to its compact form.

Megacities of Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Chennai score poor. They have lower share of public transport compared to Delhi and yet have scored better than Delhi only because of total travel volumes are comparatively lower given their population levels.

Overall emissions & energy consumption

  • 1.Bhopal
  • 2.Vijayawada
  • 3.Chandigarh
  • 4.Lucknow
  • 5.Kochi
  • 6.Jaipur
  • 7.Kolkata
  • 8.Ahmedabad
  • 9.Pune
  • 10.Mumbai
  • 11.Hyderabad
  • 12.Bengaluru
  • 13.Chennai
  • 14.Delhi