The issue of shortage of bajri in the state created an uproar in the house during question hour even as the assembly is set to discuss the issue during the debate on grants later in the evening.


Congress legislator Sukhram Bishnoi wanted to know whether construction work under the Prime Minister’s Awas Yojana would be affected with the bajri prices increasing by a whopping  3-4 times.

Replying to various supplementary questions, Surendra Pal Singh, minister of state for mines, informed the house that permit for construction works of government and semi government work will be issued in 15 days time. He said that 18 applications for the issue of permits were received by the department and four permits were issued.

The minister blamed the Congress government for the problems in the bajri sector and said that that time mining leases of 5,000 hectares per permit were issued while the current government issued mining leases of only 50 hectares. 

During this time, there were allegations and counter allegations between the BJP MLAs and opposition congress members.

He said that the government has cancelled 27 mining leases and fir against 180 people involved in illegal mining was filed with penalty of Rs 10 crore. 

Singh said that due to the ban of Supreme Court on bajri mining, the supply went down. 

He also informed the house that seeing the demand of bajri for development projects in the state, amendment was done to the minor mineral rules 2017. 

He added the that chief minister had also announced smaller size mining leases so as to make bajri available at low rates to the people with ease.

In his question, Bishnoi asked if the government wanted to provide some help for the construction of houses under this scheme.