If everything goes as planned, city kids will not complain about lack of recreational spots in Ahmedabad! By 2010, they will be able to take a stroll in seven-foot high police station premises and also understand how to deal with procedures at police station. To simultaneously educate and entertain children, the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) has chalked out design for its 'edutaining' concept for 'Kids City' spread in 3,000 square metre area near Kankaria Lake Front Development. The concept is borrowed from Jakarta's 'Kidzania'.

To study plan of 'Kidzania' the AMC had sent two officials and one architect to Jakarta to work out similar plan. After the study tour, the officials have come out with a plan to construct ten infotaining structures in the first phase.

"The project will take care of kids' complain of dearth of entertaining and educating spots in the city. The Kids City will have mini-structures in ten categories, including airports, police stations, media room apart from others where they can understand different procedures. Currently, they do not have any such exposure," said municipal commissioner IP Gautam.

According to initial estimates, the project will cost around Rs5 crore. In the first phase, the AMC has decided to come up with fire station, police station, bank, hospital, tax collection centre, public transport and sports complex. In later stage, it will have 50 edutaining structures like media room, restaurant and transportation.