A wildlife sanctuary would be developed over 156 square kms in the Tral area of Pulwama district in south Kashmir, Forest Minister Chaudhary Lal Singh said today.


The minister made the announcement while chairing the 11th meeting of standing committee of state board for wildlife here, an official spokesman said.

Stressing the need to preserve forests and wildlife, Singh said 156 square kms of forest and wildlife area in Tral would be developed as a wildlife sanctuary.

The spokesman said the meeting decided to connect the corridors for development of landscape for critically endangered species, including world famous Hangul.

During the meeting, Singh directed for formation of a technical advisory committee to draw a plan of action for strengthening of research wing in the wildlife department, he said.

The spokesman said the meeting also discussed the proposals of laying of pipelines and construction of roads passing through protected areas.

The Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) to be conducted for Khrew and Khonmoh wildlife areas being in close proximity to Dachigam National Park was also discussed in detail, he added.

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