Your friends are making plans, your neighbours are making plans, your Bareilly  wale cousin ki hot girlfriend is making plans...but you, poor you are stuck in office.Its the mother of all weekends and India is going bonkers with getaway plans.Delhi walaz are planning trip to Kasauli, Mumbaikars are going to Matheran and Bangalore, guys, you can plan to escape the city traffic!The Universe has conspired to make you feel miserable. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram are choked with #holidayvibe.Jealous much? Don't worry, we've got your back.If you are someone like this poor writer who will be in office during the weekend, here's how you can minimise the agony. So stay calm and read on:


English Premier League starts: Love Football? Now live football

Indian football fans, celebrate the 25th anniversary of the English Premier League and have a blast. This is the beginning of a very exciting football season and this year's EPL is one of the most promising events with some awesome football. So park your ass on the couch and watch football....thank us later!

Catch up on your reading, yes, we are serious

When was the last time that you bought a book and actually read it? Be honest, we all carry a book just to look busy during our daily commute. This is the golden chance. R.E.A.D. Yes, go ahead, pick up that book gathering dust on the shelf and read. It can be naughty, it can be nice, it can be everything and little spice...remember, reading never harmed anyone.

Book spa … ummm, feeling nice, already

Since the entire city would be empty, well almost, you can book that much-needed spa. Trust me, there are some really cool offers in the  market. So book a spa and feel like a queen. That way, when everyone returns with holiday hangover, you would shine like a diamond ;)

Monsoon cleaning, yes you know you need it, like desperately

Everybody talks about spring cleaning, but what about Monsoon? Arre, your house need more care in rains! And those clothes and shoes and that old umbrella...please, do yourself a favour, don't sit and grouch! Channelise the inner Hema Malini of Satte pe Satta and clean your house.

Netflix ahoy! Knock yourself out

In age of wi-fi and Netflix if you are still ruing over missing weekend, you were living under a rock. C'mon, catch up on your favourite shows and knock yourself out!