Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday broke down and got emotional while talking about the sacrifices his mother made as he grew up.


65-year-old Modi displayed his rare emotional side when he was asked by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg at a Town Hall event at the Facebook campus to tell the audience something about his mother Heeraben Modi, who is now 95.

"We have many things in common. Family is very important to us. Both my parents are here. I understand your mother is very important in your life," Zuckerberg told the prime minister.

Modi was moved to tears while talking about the hardships his mother had to undergo while raising him. "When we were small, to sustain us she cleaned dishes, fill water, did laborious work at the neighbouring houses. You can imagine a mother, in order to raise her kids, underwent so much hardships," Modi spoke haltingly as he tried to control his tears, amid a hushed silence at the event.

Watch: Too know more what Modi said:


The most amazing moment this morning was when Prime Minister Narendra Modi and I talked about our families, and he shared stories of his childhood and the impact his mother had on his life. His answer is deeply moving and inspiring, and it's worth watching all the way through.

Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Sunday, September 27, 2015