The hacker has been hacked! The website of Ankit Fadia, one of the most famous ethical hackers in the country, seems to be hacked by the spammers supporting the online sales of Viagra.

The website, which promotes Fadia’s work, also displays the ‘buy Viagra online’ when the source of the website is viewed.

“The presence of ‘Buy Viagra online order’ in the source of the website indicates that the website is the victim of remote intrusion links attack by spammers,” city based cyber expert Sunny Vaghela told DNA. Vaghela further said that every link to Fadia’s website generates revenues for Viagra promoters.

“The presence of is to promote online trade of the libido-boosting drug,” he said. Vaghela also said that the spammers usually hack the website in order to increase the number of clicks for the website.

“Once Fadia’s website had been hacked, the spammers could even use the website to shoot the email and especially to shoot the spam emails to internet users,” Vaghela added. Usually the websites are vulnerable to all such ‘intruders’ and the website needs to be properly secured to guard from such invaders.

“Such intruders usually don’t have their own data bank and use the third party websites to promote their sales,” Vaghela said.

Ankit Fadia, who hails from the city, is a well known cyber crime expert and has written many books on ethical hacking as well
as other subjects of cyber crime.