The 26 days of fasting by the Vaghela brothers went in vain, as on Thursday they gave in to pressure from worried relatives and ended the fast. After being admitted to a private hospital near their residence in Nirnaynagar on Tuesday, doctors were keeping a close watch on their health.


The doctors also gave them glucose and insisted that they take solid food, as their health was deteriorating after such a long fast. However, Praful and Shantilal Vaghela continued their fast from the hospital and refused to swallow even a single morsel.

Not seeing any improvement in their health, the doctors once again asked the family members to convince the brothers to end their fast for the sake of their lives. Learning about their critical condition, all the relatives gathered at the hospital and tried to convince them to end the fast as soon as possible. Finally, after much cajoling, at 1:00 pm on Thursday both of them decided to end their fast.   

Relatives of the Vaghela family were particularly angry over the insensitivity shown by the government, who neither gave any assurance nor sent any official or doctor when both the brothers were fighting for their lives in the hospital.

“We cannot let them die like this. We will continue our fight, but for now it is important that they recover,” said a relative, who also questions the absence of all the local leaders and other supporters in such difficult times.

On Tuesday at 10:00 pm, both Praful and Shantilal were hospitalised after they fainted due to weakness. According to a doctor, Praful lost 17 kg and Shatilal lost 9 kg during their 26-day fast which began on September 17. They were hospitalised at a private clinic near Nirnaynagar by other residents of their society. Despite this, they decided to continue the fast from their hospital beds.

The brothers sat on this almost month-long fast to put pressure on the state government to start a fresh probe into the mysterious deaths of Dipesh and Abhishek. However, they didn’t receive any assurance from the authorities in this regard. The two kids went missing from a residential school run by Asaram Bapu’s gurukul at Motera in July 2008.