Eight people have been accused of allegedly making two boys drink urine and inserting chillies into their private parts over suspicion of theft, police said on Monday. While two of the accused, Sappu alias Ubaidur Rehman and Saud Faisal, were arrested on Monday, the remaining six were arrested earlier, they said.


In the incident that took place on Friday, the accused tied the hands of the two boys on the suspicion that they stole Rs 2,000 from a chicken farm. They made the boys drink urine, inserted green chillies into their private parts and injected them with petrol, according to police.

The matter came to light after a video of the incident, which was recorded by the accused, went viral on social media on Saturday. Based on a complaint lodged by the father of one of the boys, the eight accused were booked under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).

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