Two labourers in Uttar Pradesh's Mainpuri district were allegedly beaten to death by policemen after they refused to pay a bribe of Rs 100 on Saturday morning. According to one of the five labourers, police officials on a daily basis take bribe in that area.  "There were four policemen who took us to the police station after we refused to pay the bribe asked by them. They brutally beat us," said a labourer named Birbal.


The labourers later thrashed up the policemen who  beat the workers to death.

Meanwhile, Devranjan Verma Superintendent of Police, Mainpuri, said that strict action would be taken against the accused police officials. "We are probing and registering an FIR, action will be taken against the culprits. We will also suspend the accused police officials," Verma told reporters. 

"The incident took place at around 4.00 a.m. The police was conducting a routine check near the police station on the road in view of the loot incidents that have been taking place in the recent days," he added.