After 12 years, underground explosions have once against started haunting people in some areas of western Madhya Pradesh for last two months.However, there is no report of any loss of life due to such explosions."Underground explosions are taking place after short intervals for the last two months in some villages of Khandwa district, especially Mandwa, Guwadi and Bilud villages under Mandwa Gram Panchayat," former sarpanch of Mandwa Gram Panchayat Mahipal Singh told PTI over phone today. Earlier, similar explosions had caused panic in Pandhana tehsil, about 150 km from Khandwa district, way back in 1993 when at least 1,200 such explosions rattled it.Singh said that their utensils fall due to the trembling caused by these explosions and people run out of their homes fearing an earthquake.The administrative officials also took stock of the situation after visiting these villages, he said, adding that nearby Jhiranya tehsil of Khargone district is also experiencing such explosions.Apart from Khandwa and Khargone districts, reports coming in from Dhar, Badwani and Ratlam districts of western Madhya Pradesh too confirmed similar seismic activities taking place there. "Localities situated in the Narmada belt of western Madhya Pradesh were sensitive to such activities. The main reason for this is unequal piling of crusty rocks beneath the earth that contains lime in large amount," Vishal Verma, associated with "Mangal Panchayatan Parishad", a Scientists Researcher Group, said.He said when it rains, water enters the ground and reaches rocks, following which layers melt causing cavity between rocks.The space between rocks and their movement cause explosion like sound, following which the water level of the wells in the region goes up, Verma said.