Amid the growing disquiet among Gujarat’s people about the hazards posed by mobile-phone towers sprouting in populated areas, the state government has decided to strictly regulate the establishment of the towers. Gujarat government sources, who are apprised of the plan, said the forest & environment department will formulate a policy keeping in mind the dangers thought to be presented by the towers to humans and the environment. “The first meeting was held by the senior officials of the department on Friday with all the mobile-phone service providers in the state,’’ a source said.Another source said that there were no universally accepted views on the hazards posed by the electromagnetic radiation released by the mobile-phone towers. But he said that the government decided to act given the public’s escalating anxiety.  According to sources, the government has initiated the process to settle the new regulations. “We will meet the mobile-phone service providers again next month,’’ the source said.The sources said the government has also decided to announce new regulations relating to diesel engines because they produce heavy noise and air pollution. “The diesel engines being used currently are likely to be banned,” he said. “And only advanced, less noisy engines will be allowed.’’