In order to travel by train, you can book train tickets online or by visiting the counter. However, the advantages of buying tickets online are more than booking tickets over the counter. Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited (IRCTC) allows passengers to cancel tickets booked on railway counters through its website


Advantage of booking tickets online

The reason for this is that you can cancel the tickets purchased online whenever you want. You can also get updates on your booking as well. At the same time, there are many problems in canceling the ticket purchased from the counter. In such a situation, it is important for us to know how the ticket purchased from the counter can be cancelled through online medium.

How to cancel train tickets bought through counter

Visit Under the Trains section, go to Cancel ticket and choose Counter ticket as the option

Enter PNR Number, Train number along with Captcha. Check the box to confirm that rules and procedure are read

After clicking on submit an OTP will be sent to the mobile number provided at the time of booking, enter the received OTP and click submit

After the OTP is validated PNR details will be displayed on the screen

Verify the details and click on ‘Cancel Ticket’ for full cancellation. Refund amount due will be displayed on the screen

An SMS will be sent with PNR and refund details: ‘Your PNR xxxxxxxxxx has been cancelled. Collect refund amt xxxxx from journey commencing station or nearby satellite PRS locations. Ref. Terms & conditions’

How to claim refund?

When you send a request for cancellation of your ticket to the Railways through the online method, you will get a message. In this, you will be given information about the nearest railway station to collect your money. The money for cancellation depends on the basis of time. If you cancel the ticket much before the date of travel, then you will get full refund. On the other hand, by cancelling on the last occasion, more than half the booking fee can be deducted.

If the ticket is confirmed, then the ticket can be cancelled through online mode only up to four hours before the departure of the train. At the same time, tickets can be booked up to 30 minutes in advance if the ticket is RAC.