1.  Water Crisis: This slum in Mankhurd gives water to the rich at Lallubhai compound


Entire Mumbai is undergoing a water crisis, but in Mankhurd the condition is far more favourable for the poor than the rich. Slums getting more water than the rich at Lallubhai compound in Mankhurd have decided to reach out to them.


2.  This NGO trains 200 slum kids in hockey and football under King’s Circle Bridge

When the sun sets, the stars come out in the form of almost 200 kids. They gather under the King’s Circle Bridge in Matunga with either a hockey stick or a football. These kids, mostly from Dharavi slums, are all members of Anstrengung United, an NGO started by three graduates from Khalsa College.


3.  Unauthorised colony in Outer Delhi awaiting water pipeline since 20 yrs 

Twenty years after its establishment, an unauthorised colony in Outer Delhi remains deprived of basic amenities including water supply. The residents of Triveni colony are still dependent on water tankers to meet their daily needs.


4.  Bihar varsity beams with pride as 7 students crack GATE 2016

Seven students of a renowned university in Patna have made their state proud after cracking the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2016. These students of M.Tech Computer Science are from Central University of South Bihar (CUSB), who cracked the prestigious GATE – 2016 exam with decent rankings.


5.  Here's how you can help two Delhiites trying to document plight of Pakistani Hindus

In Delhi’s Majnu ka Tila, Rohini and Adarsh Nagar areas, lie three camps where over 2,500 Pakistani Hindus reside.  Two youngsters, presently living in Delhi, Prakash Jha, 26 and Anuradha Mishra, 24 have decided to capture the plight these commmunity in a documentary, to be titled 'Who Am I - Pakistani or Indian'.
