An Israeli anti-terrorism expert in Delhi on Tuesday asked New Delhi to treat terrorism as a global menace rather than focusing on Pakistan originated threats only.


Talking to DNA, on the sidelines of a security meet organised by Institute of Defence Studies and Analysis, Ely Karmon, director of Tel Aviv-based International Institute of Counter Terrorism said it was time for India to move beyond Laskhar-e-Taiba and Al-Qaeda obsession and join western forces fighting mechanization of Iran.

He said the latest incident has shown that Iran backed groups like Hezbollah and others have set up infrastructure on the Indian soil. Karmon was at pains to explain that global terror threat has reached Indian doorsteps and expressed need for a robust global intelligence exchanges. Though refusing to comment on exchanges between India and Israel, the expert said the incident has exposed the lacuna.

He said the current terror attack had a mark of Lebanan-based Iranian backed guerrilla group Hezbollah, even attempting to link the strike to newfound political bonhomie between India and Israel and voting pattern at the UNSC against Syria, a close ally of Iran.

He said the attacks appeared retaliations to alleged Israeli plots killing Iranian nuclear scientists. “They were also killed in similar fashion, using limpet bombs tagged to their vehicles,” he said. However, Iran has not yet been able to provide any evidence of Israeli involvement in the attacks.

Member of the International Permanent Observatory on security measures at the UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute, Karmon said, “Soon after Iran goes nuclear, you cannot prevent Saudi Arania, Egypt and Kuwait to go nuclear, as these Sunni states would try to match Tehran.”