The Pakistani militant who was involved in an ambush on a BSF convoy on the Jammu-Srinagar highway and was caught alive has some similarities with the lone surviving terrorist of the 26/11 massacre. 


The Pakistan Connection

While Pakistan still continues to deny it, Usman’s father Mohammed Yaqub admitted that the captured militant was his son, a citizen of Pakistan and he fears for his life. According to some TV reports Usman’s father said: “Are you calling from India? We will be killed. I am the unfortunate father.”

The father claimed that terrorist organisation LeT wanted his son to be dead and not caught alive and now they’d be after the family. Pakistan meanwhile kept on denying that Usman was a citizen and Pakistan’s official foreign office spokesman Qazi Khalilullar was quoted saying: “I will not comment on media reports. We expect Indian authorities to share necessary information about him with us to enable verification of his national status.”

He added: "Pointing fingers without investigations and evidence is not a healthy trend on the part of Indian media. We have repeatedly asked India to refrain from accusations.”

The desire to kill Hindus

During interrogation, Kasab had said that his plan was to kill and die and make Allah proud. He had said during his video-recorded conversation: “Come, kill and die after slaying others. This will ensure fame and make Allah proud.” Usman also showed a similar belief when he said: “It is fun to kill Hindus...Yeh to Allah ka kaam hai (when asked if he gets paid for it)."

The Clueless Young Pawn

Like Kasab, Usman reinforces the notion of the clueless young terrorist who blindly believes what he has been told. While Kasab was the lone surviving gunman of the 10 who attacked famous landmarks in Mumbai, Usman’s partner, who is yet to be identified, was gunned down by security forces. Both of them seem to have been mentored by Lashkar –e-Taiba and Kasab had claimed that he had been given a year of commando training in Pakistan by a former Pakistani military officer.

On the other hand, the similarities end there and Kasab was surely a better trained and more dangerous terrorist than Usman, who seems to hardly understand the consequences of his actions