Reacting strongly to Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's speech at the United Nations General Assembly, author Chetan Bhagat hit out on Thursday at Pakistan calling it 'Terroristan'.


In a series of tweets, Bhagat said that India and the entire world should refer to Pakistan by its new name 'Terroristan'.

He further demanded that Article 370 be removed from Kashmir.

In his speech at the UNGA on Wednesday, Sharif glorified Hizbul Nujahideen commander Burhan Wani by calling him a 'young leader'. 

"Burhan Wani, the young leader murdered by Indian forces, has emerged as the symbol of the latest Kashmiri Intifada," said Sharif.

Sharif, who earlier declared Wani a 'martyr' post his death even as India branded him a terrorist, said Islamabad fully supports the demand of the Kashmiri people for self-determination as promised to them by several Security Council resolutions and urged the United Nations to intervene and assist in solving the Kashmir dispute.