The man who gave the US the slogan ‘Yes, we can change’ may do well to change the spelling of his first name, particularly at a time when his popularity among the Americans is dipping, feels numerologist Sanjay B Jumaani.


He says if Barack drops the ‘c’ and becomes Barak, his career may again be on the upswing. Reason: “Obama’s name makes him vulnerable to sudden upheavals. A ‘c’ less could be the solution.”

Jumaani explains the numbers game. “Born on 4-8-1961, Obama is governed by the numbers 4 [uranus], 2 [moon] and 1 (sun) [4+8+1961=2]. His date of birth has all the ingredients to make him an able leader [leo’s symbol is the lion), but the vibrations of his name leave much to be desired.

In fact, if we take his full name, Barack Obama, it adds to 26 [8 stands for saturn or shani],” Jumaani says.

He says Obama’s India visit faces several challenges. “Saturn doesn’t gel well with uranus [No 4] and Obama is a No 4, whose name adds to 8! Coincidentally, he is also the 44th [8] US president!

Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh is also a No 8 (26/6) and this doesn’t help.

However, on the brighter side, Jumaani says, Obama’s date of arrival, November 6, signifies venus, the planet of love, peace and harmony.

However, Sunieta Narayana, a Bangalore-based tarot card reader, is upbeat about the visit. She came up with a four-card spread while looking at queries such as how fruitful Obama’s visit and the talks between the US president and Indian prime minister will turn out to be.

Narayana says: “The outcome cards for both spreads are a major arcana which signifies that we can look back at this visit as an important milestone which pushed forward the Indo-US relationship in the right direction and gave that extra pace.”