Prime Minister Modi had an excellent round of discussion with French president Emmanuel Macron, with the 90-minute discussion characterised by a great deal of warmth, Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale said today in a press conference regarding the diplomatic talks ahead of the G7 summit in Biarritz, France.


He said the talks demonstrated that France and India are true strategic partners in a host of issues that concern the global stage. Among the topics that were discussed is the forthcoming G7 meeting, of which the issue of environmental crisis and global warming is set to play a huge part. They also discussed a range of other topics including Artificial Intelligence (AI), a joint military exercise between the two nations, and some regional issues.

Prime Minister Modi thanked Macron for inviting India for the meeting and conveyed the fact that India stands with France on all aspects that they are currently pursuing, wishing them all success for fulfilling their agenda in the G7 summit.

The Foreign Secretary added that India is committed to the Paris Agreement, that was signed in 2016 within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to deal with greenhouse-gas-emissions and mitigate harmful environmental change globally.

Concerning the bilateral side, there was some discussion between the two leaders on possibilities of cooperation between India and France in this region. President Macron conveyed a clear condemnation of terrorism in all its form and manifestations, as provided in the joint statement. All sorts of cross border terrorisms were condemned, Gokhale added.

Talking about terror threat - the terrorist organisations Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), Hizbul Mujahideen, and Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) were specifically mentioned in the joint statement as posing a danger to both the countries.

President Macron clearly stated that issues between India and Pakistan to be sorted out bilaterally, the Foreign Secretary clarified.