Atul K Patel, MD
Although a shrill alarm has been triggered by swine flu in Ahmedabad, medical evidence suggests that early diagnosis and prompt antiviral treatment for high-risk patients can reduce mortality. Current information about the epidemic in the US shows a hospitalisation rate of only 11.4%, with 0.69% mortality.

Evidence demonstrates that the strongest benefits of the antiviral treatment of seasonal influenza are obtained when treatment is started within 48 hours of the onset of
the illness.

General treatment principles are:
Adequate physical rest

Consumption of plenty of oral fluids, including water

Control of body pain and fever with paracetamol. (Avoid aspirin to treat fever and pain, especially in the case of children)

Oseltamivir or zanamivir are recommended for antiviral treatment of H1N1 virus infections
 The writer is A’bad-based infectious diseases expert
 (Adapted from