An alert Surat police thwarted a plan to rob a diamond unit owner in the city on Saturday evening.


The cops arrested the culprits who were waiting in an auto-rickshaw to execute their plan. Police also seized weapons and red-chilli powder hidden in the rickshaw. The gang had planned to kidnap a diamond unit owner and earn handsome money in the form of ransom.

Officials at Udhna police station were on routine vehicle checking near Harinagar cross roads on Saturday evening. While on duty, cops observed five persons sitting in an auto-rickshaw behaving suspiciously.

As the cops moved towards their auto, five of them got off and started running. The police chased and successfully nabbed one Hemant Khatri, a resident of Hariram society in Udhna.

During interrogation, Khatri revealed that he along with his four friends had planned to kidnap Jogaram Pokhraj, a diamond unit owner who was a resident of Harinagar in Udhna.

Their modus operandi was to sprinkle red-chilli into Pokhraj's eyes and take him to a far-off place. Acting on Hemant's information, his accomplices Prahlad Chaudhry, a resident of Varachha, Paras Chaudhry, Baburam Chaudhry and Yogesh Khedelkar, all residents of Vinayak nagar in Udhna were nabbed on Sunday afternoon.

Police sources said that Prahlad was the brain child behind the entire plan. Being a diamond worker who worked in the unit located next to Pokhraj's, he was well-versed with the regular routine of Pokhraj.

"Prahlad knew that Pokhraj used to carry hefty amount from his unit everyday in the evening. Instead of depositing the same in the bank, Pokhraj used to keep it at his home. Prahlad and his friends were waiting for Pokhraj near his house," said, HM Patel, inspector at Udhna police station, while addressing the media.

Udhna police have registered a case and is investigating the matter.