Sunitha Krishnan, who runs a Hyderabad-based NGO 'Prajwala', in February had approached Supreme Court to arrest the men who were seen raping a woman in a video filmed by themselves.


Sunitha, a rape survivor herself, had put the video on YouTube in an effort to garner help in identifying the offenders. The campaign #ShameTheRapistCampaign went viral. When police did not arrest the offenders even after the men in the videos were clearly visible, she move the apex court .

After Supreme Court ordered a CBI probe, first arrest of Bhubaneswar-based builder Subrat Sahu was made on March 24 on charges of raping a woman and filming the act.

It did not stop there. Seeing the success in arresting of the culprits, Sunitha is now flooded with 90 new such videos and victims are asking for her help. Sunitha's lawyer Aparna Bhat told Supreme Court bench that Krishnan has received absolutely shocking online footages by the rape victims who want these incidents to be probed by CBI.

Justice Madan B Lokur, head of the bench looking at the case, expressed shock upon hearing it. "Is it possible to have a mechanism in place to deal with a situation like this? What is the cyber cell of the police in each state doing?" he asked Additional Solicitor General Maninder Singh who represented the Centre.

Krishnan wants Judges to put a people friendly system in place to deal with such videos where people can report these incident anonymously as Police do not take action suo moto. They need a complaint filed. Rape victims hesitate to file such complaints because they do not want to answer a lot of questions on top of their situation. Sunitha said she cannot become a national registry for such videos. 

ASG Maninder Singh has asked Supreme Court to focus on the videos they have in their possession as it might become an unending process if new videos are considered as they come.