In a bid to mark the longest day of the year (summer solstice), the Gujarat Science City organised a daylong workshop on astronomy on June 21. The event also featured a formal countdown programme for the upcoming 'Total Solar Eclipse', the longest solar eclipse of the century, predicted to occur on July 22. It will be visible from various cities like Surat, Varanasi, Patna, Bhavnagar, Indore, Bhopal, Jabalpur and Allahabad.

"The idea is to prepare student volunteers, having knowledge about solar eclipses, to reach out to the people and inform them about the same," said Narottam Sahoo, senior scientist at Science City.

Well-known scientists and astronomers such as professor Narendra Bhandari, former senior faculty of Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) professor JN Desai, Dr NM Ashok of astronomy and astrophysics department of PRL, and Manoj Pai, president of astronomy club and coordinator IYA 2009 task force, informed the participants about the significance of the upcoming solar eclipse. Dr Vishnu Reddy, scientist at department of Space Studies, University of North Dakota, USA, also conducted a special session on current status of the asteroid science. Almost 100 amateur astronomers, science communicators, teachers and science club members participated in the workshop.  "The upcoming solar eclipse will be the longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century, and will not be surpassed in duration for another 123 years, which means till June 13, 2132. 'Totality' will last for up to 6 minutes and 39 seconds" said Ashok.

"For everybody, the eclipse will be a unique opportunity to admire and celebrate the beauty of the celestial body," said Reddy. "The experience of such a moment triggers questions about the cosmos, our Earth in space, and our human condition - a shared, unforgettable experience that crosses boundaries of language, race, religion and culture," he added.

“A lot of people in our society are still quite ignorant about solar eclipses. The total solar eclipse is a beautiful phenomenon and its scientific awareness should be spread among the society," said Narendra Gor from Bhuj, a science student participant.

Total solar eclipse
On July 22 will be the longest of its kind this century