Calcutta High Court judge Justice Soumitra Sen Thursday said he was "extremely disappointed" at Rajya Sabha's resounding vote to impeach him and ruled out his resignation.


"I am extremely disappointed," Sen said on his return from Delhi when asked for his reaction about the Rajya Sabha nod for his impeachment.

Sen, who himself presented his case against the impeachement motion in the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday, said he has not resigned and he will fight his case to the hilt.

With Rajya Sabha giving its nod for Sen's removal, the impeachment motions will now be taken up by the Lok Sabha, likely on August 24-25.

"I haven't resigned. I have always maintained that it's a battle for me and if it's a battle it is better to take a bullet on your chest rather than your back and I'll fight to the hilt," Sen said.

Sen said he had a strong caase and there was absolutely no question of misappropriation involving him.

The judge also said that what has happened to him was actually a "violation" of human rights.

Sen's counsel Subhas Bhattacharya said, "If allowed my client will defend himself in the Lok Sabha."

"My client considers himself not guilty of the charges brought against him and as such would like to present his case in the lower house where the motion will have to be passed," Bhattacharya said.