Former External Affairs minister Natwar Singh calls Congress President Sonia Gandhi a 'prima donna' in his book 'One life is not enough'. He says that her life reminds one of a 'Greek tragedy' and that Gandhi has only herself to blame.


He commends her leadership saying that 'her hold on Congress is total, firmer and more durable than even that of Jawaharlal Nehru'.

However he also says that her negative public image is of her own doing. He says she is 'obsessively secretive and suspicious' and that she has evolved into an 'authoritarian leader.'

Though under her leadership, dissent is smothered, free discussion fenced in'; she is never blamed for party's failures by her 'sycophants', he says in the book.

The tone of his words get harsher as he suggests that she is partial, 'favours are granted piecemeal, lese-majeste is given short shrift'. 

Calling her capricious, he also reveals an anecdote where Sonia had demanded that a senior African leader after a long flight to India must move to the hotel of her choice.

'Her capriciousness is lauded', Singh ends by saying that politics has coarsened Sonia Gandhi.