Thursday turned out to be a huge day for five states as results were announced for assembly elections in Kerala, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Assam and Puducherry. While the TMC won big in West Bengal, Tamil Nadu saw the return of Amma.


Assam saw the BJP win big, while Kerala saw the Left Democratic Front lead. The only silver lining for the Congress was in Puducherry where it won big. Rahul said, "We accept the verdict of the people with humility. My best wishes to the parties that have won the elections.

"I take this opportunity to thank every Congress worker and leader and our allies for their effort during these elections. We will work harder till we win the confidence & trust of people," he said in a post on Twitter. The reaction came soon after election trends in five states suggested that Congress had lost in Kerala and Assam ruled by it and failed to make a dent in West Bengal and Tamil Nadu despite alliances.

Twitter however, was in no mood to relent and reserved some dark jokes for Rahul Gandhi. Here are some of the best ones: