The war within the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) escalated into a full-blown public confrontation with senior Rajya Sabha member Arun Shourie launching a scathing attack on the party establishment at an impromptu press conference on Monday evening.

He demanded that the RSS take over the BJP after describing party president Rajnath Singh as “Alice in Blunderland” and pointing an accusing finger at a section of the Delhi leadership for corruption.

The blast from Shourie came within hours of expelled leader Jaswant Singh telling DNA in an exclusive interview that the BJP had become an “intolerant” party whose leadership is gripped by “fear and mistrust”. Singh blamed much of the party’s present troubles on second rung leaders. He said their “impatience leads to complete disregard of norms, propriety and tolerance without which a democracy cannot function”.

With Shourie and Jaswant both on the warpath, the BJP leadership was shaken. Spokesperson Rajiv Pratap Rudy announced that Shourie’s comments were a serious breach of discipline and the party would take action. He was presumably suggesting that like Jaswant, Shourie would be expelled too.

But Shourie appeared prepared for the consequences of his public assault on Monday.

Many in the BJP believe that he took a calculated risk and was probably daring the party establishment to axe him. As part of this strategy, he has also authored a three-part newspaper article that will be published from Tuesday, in which he has criticised the leadership.

While Shourie and Jaswant, along with Yashwant Sinha, are seen as disgruntled dissidents with individual agendas, their rebellion could be the start of a larger battle between the new RSS leadership and the existing BJP leadership for control of the political stakes held by the party.

The first signal that the new RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat has plans for the BJP came in a remarkably candid interview to a television channel on the eve of the party’s chintan baithak in which he called for a generational shift in the BJP’s leadership. What set the cat among the pigeons was a hint that the change should not be restricted to just the top rung but should go all the way down. His comments were seen as a vote of no-confidence in all the big guns of the party.

There is a growing belief in the BJP that Jaswant’s expulsion was actually a signal to the RSS to keep off the party and let it function autonomously. Ironically, the move may have backfired with many in the party increasingly resentful at what is being perceived as high-handed behaviour by a small group that has hijacked the party.

Shourie’s call for an RSS takeover is significant and he may have touched a chord in the rank and file who are slowly getting disenchanted by the way the party is being run.