The equinox, the phenomenon when Sun appears to move over the Earth’s equator, will fall on the early hours on Sunday. 


The September equinox this year falls on September 23 and will mark the first day of fall for the Northern Hemisphere.

Sun appears to move over the Earth’s equator – the imaginary line cutting through the planet’s centre - every six months which is called equinox. It takes place in March and September. 

This year, the exact time of equinox is September 23, 1:54 AM UTC or September 23, 7:24 AM IST. 

Here are 10 facts on equinox: 

1- Due to Earth's tilt towards the Sun (23.4 degrees), it moves either north or south of the equator on any given day of the year. 

2- However, the Earth's position becomes perpendicular to the Sun twice a year. 

3- On these two days, the Sun moves along the equator.

4- Sun's movement over the Earth’s equator takes place once in March and again in September.  

5- In the Northern Hemisphere, March equinox marks the start of spring and September is the beginning of autumn. 

6- It is opposite in the southern half of the globe, with the spring equinox in September and the Aatumn equinox in March. 

7- Spring equinox is also called vernal equinox. For Northern Hemisphere, it takes place in March and for Southern Hemisphere, it takes place in September. 

8- Today, while in the Northern Hemisphere, the equinox will officially mark the start of autumn, it will mark the beginning of the spring in the Southern Hemisphere. 

9- This day is very significant in astronomical term. 

10- In some cultures, the equinox is a spiritual moment.