KOLKATA: Security has been tightened in Kolkata and close circuit cameras will be installed soon at important places after the police received an email claiming that the city is on the hit list of a terrorist outfit, a police official said on Wednesday.

"One of our senior officers received a threat email last week saying that after Jaipur it's the turn of the four metros - Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai - to experience similar terror. We still don't know if the email is a fake, but definitely we are not ignoring it and are taking necessary precautions," deputy commissioner (detective department) Jawed Shamim said.

"Close circuit cameras will be installed at important and risk-prone places including Howrah Bridge, Metro railways, Writer's Building and Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee's residence here by the end of June," he added.

According to police sources, the email was sent by an outfit claiming to be Indian Mujaheedin from the email address guru_alhindi_jaipur@yahoo.co.uk.

"Police Commissioner Gautam Mohan Chakrabarti has already asked all 48 police stations across the city to compile tenant profiles, keep information on all the cyber café visitors and visit hotels and lodges regularly to keep a track of the visitors. Besides extra security has been arranged at parking lots, busy markets, religious places and big business houses," sources said.