The Congress took on the BJP on the issue of lack of qualified announcers in Kankaria Lake Front project during the zero hour of the standing committee meeting of AMC on Thursday. The security guard was doubling up as the announcer at the Kankaria Lake Front.

 The announcer is supposed to announce the necessary information and instructions in Gujarati, Hindi and English so that the tourists who do not follow Gujarati will not be left clueless about the facilities.

Hasankhan Pathan, Congress member of the standing committee said that it was brought to their notice that the announcement was being made only in Gujarati, and that a security guard was doubling up as the announcer.

Some foreign tourists, who visited Kankaria on Wednesday, could not get any information as the guard was not well-versed in English, he said.

The chairman of standing committee of AMC, Asit Vora said that the security guard was a temporary arrangement as the announcer was on leave.

The issue of the civic body not providing water and sewerage drainage line in certain areas that were covered under New Waste Zone of AMC was also raised by the Congress.

However, Asit Vora said that the Congress did not raise any such issue during the meeting.