The opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) said on Tuesday that the "venomous statements" by some BJP and Sangh Parivar leaders were loaded with "communal intrigue" and could have "ruinous" consequences for the country.


"The utterances by some BJP and Sangh Parivar leaders have to be viewed more seriously than mere police cases or violation of the Model Code of Conduct as these can have ruinous consequences," PDP patron Mufti Mohammad Sayeed said.

The statements of BJP's Giriraj Kishore and VHP's Praveen Togadia were loaded with "communal intrigue", he told a string of election rallies in central Kashmir's Budgam district.

"The virulent statements of Kishore and Togadia are loaded with communal intrigue which can not only destabilise the country but have the potential of hitting at the very idea of India," Sayeed said.

The Sangh Parivar was playing a "dangerous game" by stoking the "fires of communalism" and pitting people against each other for "political gains", he said.

"Polarisation of people on religious and ethnic lines can have worse consequences than festering sore of sub-continent's partition which led to an unending cycle of human misery and destruction," the PDP patriarch said.

He cautioned the people that "such spiteful utterances can cost the country very heavily". The PDP patron asked the country's political leadership not to get "trapped in the treacherous divisive discourse. I am sure the people of the country are emancipated enough to see through the designs of these divisive elements and won't allow them to succeed." 

Condemning killings of political workers in Pulwama, the PDP patron said after witnessing a relaxation in security environment for a brief period between 2002 and 2005 when the PDP was in power, the people have again got entangled in a vicious circle of death and destruction with the arrival of the NC-Congress regime.

Dubbing the present government as a "misfortune" for the state, Sayeed said the people of Jammu and Kashmir seemed to have become the victims of the "ungoverned rage" let loose on them by the present dispensation.

He said if voted to power after the assembly elections later this year, the PDP would work towards implementing its unaccomplished agenda of securing peace, stability and prosperity in Jammu and Kashmir.

Sayeed said plagued by "ineptitude, disorder and corruption", the political structure of the NC-Congress regime had completely collapsed resulting in the "paralysis" of the state's administrative structure as well.

"And it is a pity that the Chief Minister (Omar Abdullah) instead of improving his performance is busy blaming everybody except his own ways for pushing the state and its people into this quagmire," he said.