South Africa is a heavenly destination for all kinds of tourists. Johannesburg, Cape Town and Sun City have all lured in Indian tourists and Bollywood celebrities. However, for Gujaratis, there is more to the country than just wildlife, sports and shopping. The diamond mines in the country are promising to be a major attraction, not to forget the association of the Mahatma with the country, for Gujaratis.

"Many tourists from Surat are asking for customised plans for visiting the diamond mines in SA. These destinations are popular since many of them are involved in the diamond industry," said Nick Frames, director, Sakabula Safaris and Tours. "A visit to the diamond mines is not included in commercial tour packages as most Indian tourists to South Africa go there on short trips of 10-15 days, which are spent visiting popular destinations. The diamond mines are in remote locations and require greater time," he said.

Raoul Trivedi, an aspiring diamond trader, made one such special trip to South Africa. "One needs to devote a lot of time to study the entire diamond industry in South Africa. It is alluring, but one needs to have a penchant for it."

Another factor that draws many Gujaratis to South Africa is that Mahatma Gandhi spent 20 years of his life there. There is a statue of Gandhi at Peter Maritzburg, where he was thrown off a train. "Those interested in learning more about Mahatma Gandhi's legacy in South Africa can include a day-trip in this regard. Durban's townships are the proper place to start learning more about Gandhi's career as a lawyer," said Barry Hunter, managing director, ERM Tours. Gujarati tourists relate more to Gandhi's life and so, many tour operators have included a showcase of his life in the packages. "South Africa has a connection with Gujarat in terms of business, heritage and Mahatma Gandhi. It is good to explore these aspects," said Medha Sampat, India country head, South African Tourism.